
Zdravotnícke listy. 2017; Vol. 5, No. 3

Initiates file downloadEditorial

Editorial series / Nursing / 5

Dagmar Mastiliaková


Initiates file downloadCurrent level of preparedness to nurses education role

Editorial series / Nursing / 6-15

Mastiliaková D., Kičáková M.


Initiates file downloadComparison of nursing care of pressure ulcers in healthcare facilities and nursing home care agencies

Editorial series / Nursing / 16-22

Krehlíková J., Gerlichová K.


Initiates file downloadSupportive application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy In the treatment of chronic wounds from the point of view of laboratory medicine

Editorial series / Nursing / 23-30

Pokrývková I., Krajčovičová Z., Meluš V., Kašlíková K.


Initiates file downloadReal application of venous port in clinical practice at the Oncology department of Baťa Regional Hospital in Zlín

Editorial series / Nursing / 31-37

Pekárková Z., Litvínová A.


Initiates file downloadQuality of life related to health and potential of implementation patient´s studies results oriented on quality of life in national drug policy

Editorial series / Nursing / 38-41

Bielik J.


Initiates file downloadPotential of hyperbaric oxygenotherapy in the diabetic neuropatia treatment

Editorial series / Nursing / 42-48

Poliaková N., Haviarová K.


Initiates file downloadHome nursing care in patients with diabetic foot syndrome in the context of the hyperbaric oxygenotherapy

Editorial series / Nursing / 49-54

Sokol R., Červeňanová E., Poliaková N.


Initiates file downloadPeculiarities of communication during nursing care of  a patient /a client with autism

Editorial series / Nursing / 55-62

Jurdíková K., Briestenská I.


Initiates file downloadCognitive changes in old age

Editorial series / Nursing / 63-71

Šišláková L., Matišáková I.


Initiates file downloadNursing care of a patient with organic mental disorder

Editorial series / Nursing / 72-76

Demeterová P., Šimovcová D.


Initiates file downloadInformal care for older people with dementia in long-term care system

Editorial series / Nursing / 77-84

Poliaková N., Kohútová J.


Initiates file downloadPossible postoperative complications after total hip replacement and their prevention through rehabilitation

Editorial series / Nursing / 85-93

Shtin Baňárová P., Šehýl M., Černický M., Kováčová K., Malay M., Vomela J.


Initiates file downloadStaphylococcus aureus: carriage, diagnoses and coinfections in selected childrens population

Editorial series / Nursing / 94-99

Kašlíková K., Krokavcová K., Meluš V., Krajčovičová Z.


Initiates file downloadReview of the university textbook: Dagmar Mastiliaková: Education in Nursing: respect and reverence for human dignity

Editorial series / Nursing / 100-101

Kaduchová P.